Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies lead our charity work, undertake voluntary work and develop faith and spirituality through serving others. Our Mini Vinnies group is made up of children from Years 5 and 6. They meet twice a month to discuss how they might turn their concern about local and world issues into action. Our Mini Vinnies group come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms.
The motto of the Mini Vinnies is 'Turning Concern into Action'.
Being a Mini Vinnie is about doing good work in our community. The Mini Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is our way of thinking and talking about our spirituality; by connecting our beliefs and values with service activities we can help to make our faith real, meaningful and relevant.
You can find out more about the Mini Vinnies on the official website.
Our Mini Vinnies regularly visit Rhiwlas Care Home. They help us choose which charities our school should support and they encourage us to be active, discerning, ethical citizens.