Online Safety
The internet is a wonderful thing! It has revolutionised the way we behave and learn. We look to embrace new technologies and we are excited about how the internet and internet-attached devices improve our lives. However, the opportunities provided can also present their own unique dangers, particularly to children.
For young people, technology is central to everything they do. From connecting with friends on social media, to playing with other gamers from around the world on different multiplayer gaming platforms. For parents and carers, understanding this engagement with digital technology can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to establish boundaries.
At St Mary's, we believe that internet safety and digital literacy education is a crucial element of the curriculum and an essential part of young people’s development, both within the school environment and at home. As a school, we take our commitment to the digital safeguarding of our pupils seriously and hope to be able to work in partnership with you as parents and carers, to ensure our children are able to enjoy all the internet has to offer, safely and responsibly.
All of our teachers undergo annual online safety training. Children learn about online safety and discuss what it means to be safe online regularly. We are discerning users of the internet, not just accepting everything that we read online without considering its authenticity.
The Hwb 'In The Know' website contains short guides for parents and carers about many of the most popular apps and games. They are designed to equip adults with the key information that they need to help young people embark on their digital journeys safely.
The collection of guides covers what all parents and carers should know about the most popular social media and gaming apps children are using today.
Hwb 'In The Know' website link
Further useful resources for children
The Think U Know website gives you advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer. Choose your age and play the games to find out more.
A place to help you boss your life online
Further useful resources for parents
How to keep myself safe online (parents and carers)
Parents/carers are used to protecting their children across all aspects of every day life, and this should also include keeping their children safe when they go online.
It is essential that parents/carers talk to their children about what they are:
- doing and viewing online
- who they are contacting online
- and how they are behaving online.
The conversations with young people around their use of technology tend to be easier the younger they are, but should still be tackled whatever the age of the child.
A parent and carer's guide to talking to your children about staying safe online
This resource will help parents and carers find out more about to talk to your child about online safety and where to get further help and support.
This is a useful series of strategies and further information about how to help your children develop ethical online behaviour.
This website contains lots of information, advice and support to keep children safe online
Rights, Respect, Equality: Guidance for Parents and Carers
This Welsh Government document provides guidance on dealing with bullying, including cyberbullying
Videos for Parents and Carers
An Introduction to Online Safety (Part 1) - 21st Century Children (4 mins 40 sec)
An Introduction to Online Safety (Part 2) - Technology and Opportunities (4 mins 52 sec)
An Introduction to Online Safety (Part 3) - Managing Risk (5 mins 4 sec)
An Introduction to Online Safety (Part 4) - Positive Action (5 mins 8 sec)