St Mary's Catholic Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair

School Council

Here at St. Mary’s, we are keen to develop the pupil voice and fully involve all learners in sharing their views, opinions and ideas to help make our school a better place.

The School Council Committee holds an annual democratic election across the school whereby potential candidates present their visions and manifestos. Each learner votes for their preferred candidate and the Committee is then formed. The Committee consists of a Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Each class elects a Class Representative and these children also attend half termly meetings. The Class Rep’s role is to present ideas generated in class, review minutes taken at each meeting and to also feedback new ideas and initiatives to the Committee.

The Secretary is responsible for producing informative newsletters of work the Council are undertaking. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop and promote home-school links.

We have been fortunate enough to have our Chair of Governors, Mr Leddy, attend our meetings. This has been a valuable opportunity for the children to work in collaboration with Governors in order to achieve common goals for the benefit of our school.

In May 2021, the school council organised a sponsored run around the school grounds for all children. It was a great success and we raised £3000 to go towards a new trim trail. Some pictures are below.