At St. Mary’s we are constantly striving to help our pupils become healthy and confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Mr Phillips is ultimately responsible for organising the support for mental health and emotional wellbeing of all children.
Miss Fisher and Mr Bianco lead our healthy schools team.
Miss Fisher, Mr Phillips, Mrs Davies and Mrs Dooley lead on developing our whole school approach to mental and emotional health.
At the centre of our holistic curriculum is the heath and wellbeing of our pupils. Pupils engage in health and well-being lessons which focus on:
- Developing physical health and well-being which will have lifelong benefits.
- Learning about how we process and respond to our experiences and how this can affect our mental health and emotional well-being.
- Our decision-making can impact the quality of our lives and the lives of others.
- How we engage with social influences and how this shapes who we are and affects our health and well-being.
- Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being.
All staff provide an inclusive and welcoming environment where our pupils are able to express their feelings, share highs and lows and feel safe. Our pupils are encouraged to be the best that they can be and they really are!
Health and Wellbeing lessons take place weekly at St. Mary’s and we follow the Connect PSHE curriculum. Connect is based on a model called the DNA-V, which stands for four skills- Discoverer, Noticer, Advisor and Values. There is a focus around the 6 behaviours of wellbeing which are:
- Connecting with others – this involves having healthy social relationships.
- Challenging oneself – this involves continually trying to improve via learning.
- Giving to others – this involves spending time and resources helping our fellow human beings.
- Exercising – this involves engaging in physical activity.
- Embracing the moment – this involves mindfully interacting with our thoughts and feelings.
- Self-care – this involves looking after oneself, such as through healthy eating and improved sleep quality.
Connect is specifically designed to support children to engage in these six wellbeing behaviours.
Through these lessons the children also engage in meditation, mindfulness and circle times.
St. Mary’s is a certified Connect school.
For more information, please visit https://www.connect-pshe.org/our-approach.
As a school we very much encourage an active life style. Our pupils have the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports and competitions throughout the school year. We celebrate achievements and cheer them on their way! We encourage children to be active everyday through:
- Our Daily Mile track
- Trim trail and climbing equipment
- Forest school
- Football, netball and basketball facilities
There are also a variety of extra curricular clubs that run throughout the year to support the health and well-being of our pupils.
Below, you will find some links that you might find useful.
Being Active
Aura Wales - Home to leisure centres, libraries, heritage, play areas and much, much more!
Citbag - A Sport Wales hub to help give young people the skills, confidence and sporting experiences for a lifelong enjoyment of sport.
Flintshire Countryside and Coast - Visit country parks and green spaces, download the rural walks booklet or explore Flintshire's coastline and beaches.
Flintshire Walking and Cycling - Walking or cycling for fun, fitness or simply to get away from it all with family or friends, there's something to suit everyone
NHS Healthier Families - From fun 10 Minute Shake Up games to information about active hobbies and sports, here's everything you need to get your family moving!
PE with Joe - Joe Wicks's workouts are fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.
38 fun ways to have a healthier and more active family - dozens of ways to have fun with your family
Mental Health
Every Mind Matters - top tips from the NHS to support children's mental health
MindEd for Families - Safe and reliable advice about young people’s mental health, created by experts and parents together
Place2Be - Mental health support for parents and carers
Natural Resources Wales - health and wellbeing activities and games for outdoors
NHS Talking to your child about feelings - If you're worried about a child, encouraging them to talk can be very helpful, whether you're a parent, grandparent, friend or teacher. Here's some advice.
CAMHS - A collection of websites that provide information and support to young people and families on a variety of topics.
ELSA - Emotional literacy support assistance Free resources to support emotional literacy.
Five Ways to Wellbeing - From Mind
Parent Wellbeing
Welsh Government Parenting Advice - Help and advice for you a parent to take time for your health and wellbeing.
Mindfulness for Kids - Equip children with tools to build self-esteem, manage stress, and skilfully approach challenges. A guide on how to introduce mindfulness and meditation to your children—at any age.
BBC Good Food Mindfulness - Try these simple mindfulness techniques with your children if they are feeling anxious at home.
Rainbows GB - Rainbows is a well respected national charity having a proven, positive impact on the lives of children, young people and adults grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives.
Child Bereavement UK - Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.
NHS Children and Bereavement - Information that could help if your child has lost or is about to lose someone, such as a family member or friend.
Healthy Eating
BDA Food Facts - This Food Fact Sheet will help you ensure your child is eating the right food, however old they are.
NHS Healthy Recipes - Healthy eating doesn't need to be dull. Whip up tasty family meals with these easy step-by-step recipes.